New York City Council Passes Fair Work Week Legislative Package, Sponsored by Progressive Caucus Members, to Protect Low-Wage Workers

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Corey, Julissa, Brad clapping

New York, NY – The New York City Council Progressive Caucus applauds today’s passage of the Fair Work Week bills by the New York City Council. The five bills, sponsored by three Progressive Caucus Members, Council Members Brad Lander, Corey Johnson, and Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, aim to protect vulnerable low-wage fast-food and retail workers in New York City. The bills, included in the Progressive Caucus’ policy platform, will provide workers an opportunity to secure advance notice, stable schedules, a pathway to full-time hours, and a new way to work together.

The five bills that passed today by New York City Council encompass:

 “With this important legislation, the Council is sending a clear and uncompromised message that we believe low-wage workers are entitled to secure and stable schedules and hours, free from uncompromising and unstable working conditions that put their livelihood and their families on the line,” said Progressive Caucus Co-chair, Council Members Donovan Richards. “Progressive Caucus members have been instrumental in promoting economic stability for many working-class families, and the push to pass Fair Work Week legislation is no exception.”

“I am proud to chair a Caucus, and be a part of a City Council, that prioritizes economic justice and the needs of low-wage workers,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso, Co-Chair of the Progressive Caucus. “Today’s passage of “Fair Work Week” legislation in the New York City Council will help stabilize the working lives of low-wage workers in the fast-food and retail sectors, allowing these workers secure advance notice, stable schedules, and a pathway to full-time hours, as well as new ways to organize together. I commend Council Members Brad Lander, Corey Johnson, and Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, all members of the Progressive Caucus, for their leadership in this vital effort for workers’ rights.”

“As low-wage workers and their families continue to struggle in a city that prides itself on opportunity, we as progressives have rallied around policies like Fair Work Week that make for a more equitable economy, and protect our most vulnerable workers.” said Council Member Ben Kallos, Vice-Chair of Policy. “I’m proud of the work my colleagues and I have done on the Progressive Caucus to prioritize Fair Work Week in our policy platform along with other policies that resolutely affirm worker rights and dignity.”

“Fast-food and retail workers experience overwhelming insecurity when they cannot predict their hours or pay day-to-day, or make time for schooling or childcare, or find full-time employment.” said Council Member Helen Rosenthal, Vice-Chair for Budget Advocacy. “Thank you to Progressive Caucus Members and allies who have helped us to accomplish this essential Fair Work Week legislation to protect vulnerable workers so they have access to stable employment, a livable income, and family-sustaining scheduling.”

“With the Trump Administration working to undermine the progress we’ve made on workers’ rights and setting an anti-worker agenda, it’s instrumental that we continue to protect all working New Yorkers. I’m proud to stand with the New York City Council as we help New York City fast-food and retail workers achieve a fair work week,” said Council Member Brad Lander, the Council’s Deputy Leader of Policy, sponsor of Intro 1396 and 1395. “This legislation will help low-wage workers in the fast-food and retail sectors — to secure advance notice, stable schedules, a pathway to full-time hours, and a new way for workers to organize together.  I want to thank 32BJ, RWDSU, A Better Balance and the Center for Popular Democracy among many others for their strong advocacy and organizing on this critical issue.”

“The Fast Food Worker Empowerment Bill is the first of its kind in the country and will enable workers to form an advocacy organization,” said Council Member Julissa Ferreras-Copeland, sponsor of Intro 1384. “It will allow them to educate their coworkers about their rights on the job and advocate in their communities for policies they need, like access to affordable housing and immigration reform. The passage of this bill will allow fast food workers to create an organization, gather their financial resources and focus on the issues that are important to them as working families. I am grateful to my colleagues at City Council and the Speaker for their role in the passage of the Fair Work Week legislation.”

“We can’t allow fast-food employees to face unfair demands like closing down the shop one night and opening it up the next morning,” said Council Member Corey Johnson, sponsor of Intro 1387 and 1388. “Eliminating this burdensome expectation is one of the important steps we can take immediately to create a better workplace for thousands of New Yorkers. I thank Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito, my colleagues at the City Council for their work in the passage of this historic legislation, as well as 32BJ SEIU and our fast food employees for their service to our City.”

“As the Trump Administration and Republicans in Washington are pushing legislation and regulation that is disastrous for working people, we have been proud to be part of the resistance, standing with New York City fast-food workers in the fight for good jobs,” said 32BJ President Hector Figueroa. “The City Council today with its vote has shown that it is at the vanguard of promoting workers’ rights and protecting vulnerable communities. Passing a fair work week for tens of thousands of minimum wage workers in New York City and ensuring fast-food workers can speak with a united voice on workplace and community issues will strengthen our city and help workers win dignity on the job. 32BJ members have stood with fast-food workers since their first strike over four years ago and we’re proud to be standing here in victory with them today. ”


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