The Progressive Caucus is committed to pursuing a more just and equal New York. With ADVANCEMENT goals including Vital Investments in Public Services, Environmental Justice and Sustainability and New Livable Streets Model, it will continue to promote transportation reforms and investments that address inequality. With these considerations, Caucus members support the Move NY plan as an important opportunity to increase city-wide transit access.
“Any New Yorker who relies on mass transportation on a daily basis can see how badly we need to upgrade and improve our subways, buses and roads,” said Council Member Donovan Richards, co-chair of the Progressive Caucus. “The Move NY plan will help give us the necessary funding to ensure that the MTA can, not only bring our transportation infrastructure up to par, but it will also help turn it into the more efficient and reliable system that we truly deserve in New York City.”
“I was proud to be one of the first members to endorse the Move NY plan. We need to cut down on vehicle miles driven, encourage New Yorkers to use alternative transportation and fund the MTA. The Move NY Plan fulfills all these goals,” said Council Member Antonio Reynoso, co-chair of the Progressive Caucus.
“The MoveNY plan is the only comprehensive plan on the table to bring revenue to the struggling MTA, improve our major infrastructure, and bring much needed improvements to our local infrastructure. I am proud to stand in support of an initiative with such a clear benefit for the city of New York, and am proud to see my colleagues in the Progressive Caucus stand at my side,” said Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez, Chair of the Committee on Transportation.
“We’ve seen massive congestion problems both on the subway cars and platforms of the 7 Train themselves, and then in addition to that, in the run up to the Queensboro Bridge,” said Council Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer. “That’s why I am saying now we need to focus on this investment into our mass transit. The MoveNY plan is the best and most responsible way to get us there. This is a responsible way to ensure that the MTA’s needs are fully funded on an ongoing basis without putting a financial burden on the backs of riders.”
“The Move NY Fair Plan is a good idea whose time has come. As the Council Member representing an area with severe congestion caused by drivers looking for a free ride via our tunnels and bridges, I am in full support of this effort to stop the practice of ‘toll-shopping’ that is causing an avalanche of vehicles onto our crowded streets,” said Council Member Margaret Chin. “The millions of dollars generated by this fair and practicable tolling system will allow for improvements to a mass transit system in dire need of repairs and upgrades, as well as maintenance of our bridges, tunnels and roadways.”
“As a member of the Progressive Caucus, I am proud to join my colleagues, environmental justice advocates, the Staten Island Chamber of Commerce, and the Staten Island Economic Development Corporation, and many others, in supporting the Move NY Fair Plan. Although I have reservations about certain aspects of the plan, I believe that it is an important step forward towards an equitable distribution of transportation costs and investments in New York City,” said Council Member Debi Rose.“For too long, Staten Islanders have been penalized for the lack of public transportation options accessible to them. Decreasing the Verrazano Bridge toll will help address this injustice. Likewise, the revenue generated by Move NY will help fill crucial gaps in transportation funding, and enable us to build the forward-looking infrastructure that our world-class city deserves. I look forward to taking part in an ongoing dialogue with Move NY, to ensure that Staten Islanders truly get their fair share out of this ‘Fair Plan.’”
“New Yorkers rely on having a world class transportation system. The Move NY Fair Plan will allow us to adequately fund our infrastructure and make critical investments in the future of our transportation system. This plan will benefit communities in North Brooklyn and move us toward a fairer and more sustainable transportation policy. I am proud to support the Move NY Fair Plan,” said Council Member Stephen Levin.
“I am proud to endorse the Move NY plan for improving our transportation system,” said Council Member Corey Johnson. “There is an overwhelming feeling in our City that New Yorkers are paying more and more for mass transit that is offering them less and less. Through a combination of revenue-generating approaches and common-sense changes, Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez and his team have crafted a smart, thorough proposal that can make a real difference to the millions of people who travel throughout our City every day. I would like to thank Council Member Ydanis Rodriguez for developing a clear and comprehensive plan for a 21st Century transportation system in New York City.”
“The MoveNY Plan presents a sustainable and fairly funded blueprint for the NY metropolitan region’s transportation infrastructure. Our transportation systems are in need of overhaul and repairs in order to continue serving as the lifeline of the City and State, and properly serving millions of New Yorkers. MoveNY provides the most concrete steps to ensure some of our most valuable transportation assets, such as the MTA, are operational for future generations,” said Council Member Ritchie Torres.
“Move NY is the kind of forward-thinking plan that will transform New York City’s mass transit system and relieve automobile traffic and congestion. This plan will help keep traffic flowing, reduce the strain on the MTA, improve the environment, strengthen quality of life, and allow for new investments that will grow our city’s transportation network. I’m proud to join a broad coalition of transportation and environmental advocates, trade unions, business associations, civic leaders, good-governance groups, and elected officials who support making Move NY a reality,” said Council Member Mark Levine.
“MoveNY’s plan for reducing congestion and creating revenue to fund our increasingly expensive transportation costs is the right direction for our City. Improvements to our transportation infrastructure, and thinking about creative ways to connect residents in the outer boroughs to a more robust system of trains and buses is an important part of the plan—and an important priority of many New Yorkers. I am proud to join my colleagues in the Progressive Caucus to support the plan, and urge my colleagues in local and state government to do the same,” said Council Member Carlos Menchaca.
Observer, City Council Progressives Will Back New Congestion Pricing Plan
Daily News, City Council members tout East River bridge tolls as a way of funding MTA
NY Post, Council progressives back adding tolls to now-free bridges
Capital NY, Council progressives mostly endorse MoveNY plan
Streetsblog, City Council’s Progressive Caucus Endorses Move NY Toll Reform
Curbed, New Congestion Pricing Proposal Gets City Council Backing
Queens Chronicle, Progressives up ante on MoveNY proposal